Cultural humility is the lifelong process of learning, self-examination & refining of one’s own awareness, knowledge, behavior, and attitudes on the interplay of power, privilege and social contexts. Cultural humility […]
Tag: Webinar
if the location of the event is online and is a webinar use this tag
Co-occurring Disorders Program Curriculum Training: Virtual Trainings on Co-occurring Disorders Program (Screening and Assessment and Medication Management)
The goal of the counselor implementation training is to help clinicians apply the evidence-based programs in the Co-Occurring Disorders Program to deliver the best possible services to persons with co-occurring […]
Co-occurring Disorders Program Curriculum Training: Virtual Trainings on Co-occurring Disorders Program (Integrating Combined Therapies)
The goal of the counselor implementation training is to help clinicians apply the evidence-based programs in the Co-Occurring Disorders Program to deliver the best possible services to persons with co-occurring […]
Co-occurring Disorders Program Curriculum Training: Virtual Trainings on Co-occurring Disorders Program (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The goal of the counselor implementation training is to help clinicians apply the evidence-based programs in the Co-Occurring Disorders Program to deliver the best possible services to persons with co-occurring […]
Co-occurring Disorders Program Curriculum Training: Virtual Trainings on Co-occurring Disorders Program (Family Program)
The goal of the counselor implementation training is to help clinicians apply the evidence-based programs in the Co-Occurring Disorders Program to deliver the best possible services to persons with co-occurring […]
Medications in Treatment: 1-Day
One of the challenges of Medications in Treatment (MAT) is that clients and counselors often focus on the medication and lose the balance of full recovery. This M.D. level facilitated […]
Harm Reduction Approach within ASAM Criteria Framework: 1-Day
The ASAM Criteria provides guidelines focusing on coordinating medical care, providing therapeutic alternatives, evaluating safety, addressing co-occurring disorders, involving social supports, and documenting clinical needs within the framework of the […]
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria Implementation Leader: 3-Day Training (Day 1)
This training is learning about processes and models for assessing the field, the equipment and what needs to change to support the new model. As leaders in their communities and […]
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria Implementation Leader: 3-Day Training (Day 2)
This training is learning about processes and models for assessing the field, the equipment and what needs to change to support the new model. As leaders in their communities and […]
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria Implementation Leader: 3-Day Training (Day 3)
This training is learning about processes and models for assessing the field, the equipment and what needs to change to support the new model. As leaders in their communities and […]