Illinois Harm Reduction Summit (Day 1)

The Illinois Harm Reduction Summit will promote the delivery of harm reduction services in Illinois, which engage people who use drugs to support connection, safety, and an improved quality of life. The goal of the Summit is to bring together experts in the field of harm reduction along with all others interested in learning about


Illinois Harm Reduction Summit (Day 2)

The Illinois Harm Reduction Summit will promote the delivery of harm reduction services in Illinois, which engage people who use drugs to support connection, safety, and an improved quality of life. The goal of the Summit is to bring together experts in the field of harm reduction along with all others interested in learning about


Harm Reduction Approach within ASAM Criteria Framework: 1-day

Prevention First -Webinar

The ASAM Criteria provides guidelines focusing on coordinating medical care, providing therapeutic alternatives, evaluating safety, addressing co-occurring disorders, involving social supports, and documenting clinical needs within the framework of the six dimensions. This includes setting and evaluating individualized measurable treatment goals which drive variable lengths of stay based on the needs of the person served.


Helpers & Healers: Building Harm Reduction & Medical Provider Partnerships


The overdose crisis continues to devastate communities across Illinois. The COVID-19 pandemic adds an intensified strain to both substance use and medical care. To respond to this growing problem and its intersectional issues like increases in the spread of infectious illnesses, encounters between individuals living with mental health/substance use issues and law enforcement, lack of



Black Harm Reduction Conference


We ask for you to join us over two half days to: 1) Re-engage on the meaning and currency of Black harm reduction. 2) Identify ways to protect and uplift our own history of leading this work. 3) Identify ways to ensure that Black people are centered in national and state changes in drug policy,


Telligen Opioid Discovery Session


As we plan our education and quality improvement activities for 2022, we want to check in with you as key providers,stakeholders and partners throughout Illinois. See more about us at Telligen QIN-QIO, and please join us to share what matters most to you and your community relative to the opioid crisis and adverse drug events:
